A Team Player
Several months ago, I was at a luncheon for pastors in the Capitol Virginia section, and I heard a pastor tell another missionary, "It looks like we're going to be able to pledge support for you." He was grinning when he said it, knowing that he was probably making that missionary's day.
Then to my surprise, the missionary responded, "I appreciate it, but we've raised our pledge budget already. But, say, see that guy over there?" pointing to another missionary in the room, "He really needs the pledges right now. He only has a few months left before he has to leave, and I know he really needs it. He's just starting out!"
I was so surprised by his generosity; he was willing to give away the money that a pastor was offering to him to another missionary who he felt had a greater need. I couldn't help but think, "Here is a missionary who knows how to trust God." He knew that God would provide what he himself needed, so he wasn't worried about giving away a blessing to someone else.
I admit, in my heart that day, I wasn't so sure that I could have be so selfless. Each missionary is given a budget that we are required to raise, both cash and pledges for future support. Sometimes when the money is slow to come in, you can start to take it personally: What am I doing wrong? Why don't the churches like me? They must like Missionary X better, because look how much money they gave him! That church told me that didn't have any money in their budget, but they just gave another missionary a commitment for a lot of support. It's not fair.
One can easily get sidetracked into thinking that money= approval or that money being raised equals a "good missionary." But God has repeatedly proven to me, and probably all the other missionaries, that He alone is my source--not pastors, not churches, not good friends, not family. They are often the vessel He uses, and I'm thankful for them, but ultimately, its always His provision. I get what I need when I need it, and because of His grace, I have almost always had more than I need.
In the past few months, I've learned to relax about the fund-raising part of my furlough. I know that I am acting in obedience to God, so He will take care of my money. He knows who can give, and He knows how and when it will happen. I trust Him to bring it all together.
Because of this other's missionary's example that day, I have also tried to be a "team player" looking out for those who have a greater need, or perhaps a more pressing need than I do. Just this week, I got the chance to recommend that a few churches give support to a missionary friend who is desperate to reach his final goal in the last few weeks of his itineration. I felt a real joy in knowing that God used me to help someone else and He'll use others to help me.