Its a Small World After All

Not long ago, I ran into a pastor that I've known for years. He was working with youth and I'd seen him at camp, and his church was supporting me for quite a while. When I saw him, he told me that he had changed churches; now he's the senior pastor about an hour south of my home. He booked me for a service and I didn't give it much thought, until a few weeks ago, when I ran into a girl who had been at Valley Forge when I was in college.

I didn't know Monica well, but she married a friend of mine, Steve. As it turned out, Steve and Monica go to the church in Southern Maryland where my friend is now pastoring. I was happy to make that little connection, and I was looking forward to seeing them on the day that I would speak at their church.

Finally, it was the weekend for that service, and as I was preparing to leave, my dad told me that Brenda and Jimmy, a young couple who used to attend my church years ago, also go to the church where my friend is now pastoring. Not only did I get to see them and talk to them, I got the chance to hear their son sing a special number for the offering.

It was really nice to connect with old friends and people who have shared significance in my life at different times.

Ariel RaineyComment