Beautiful Weekend/Interactive Poll
Happy Labor Day weekend to all! September has begun with a pretty promise of cooler weather to come, and its supposed to be this pleasant all weekend. Normally, our family tradition is to go camping on three-day weekends with our good friends. This year, with Dad's surgery, we knew there was no way that we could do it, although my mother was particularly disappointed not to do this "family tradition" while I'm home to enjoy it.
So, all that to say that as I type, looking wistfully out the window at the cool breeze blowing through the trees, I envy our friends down in Virginia at their campsite.
I started reminiscing about old camping experiences, and we have had some real doozies! My favorite memory would be hard to choose: the year Mom's dental situation had her doped up on painkillers the whole weekend. . . the time in Missouri that Sarah was trying to run up the big hill to the bath house . . . . the night Julie ran smack into a deer on her way through the dark
campsite . . . so many memories to choose from.
For me the most memorable (not necessarily positive) experience was Labor Day weekend 2001, when we drove to West Viriginia in the middle of the night, once Dad got off work. Our friends had thoughtfully set up our tent for us before our arrival, but we arrived in the pouring rain around 2:00 AM to find that the tent and bedding was completely soaked. In order to get in out of the rain, we hunkered down in the tent, trying not to touch the tent walls or move into range of dripping leaks. Mom mutinied and went to the car to sleep for a few hours, but it would get hot and stuffy, so with periodic window-opening, I think she got bitten up by mosquitoes. It was a pretty miserable night for all of us, but the rest of the weekend was great.
Now for the poll: what is your most memorable camping experience?
So, all that to say that as I type, looking wistfully out the window at the cool breeze blowing through the trees, I envy our friends down in Virginia at their campsite.
I started reminiscing about old camping experiences, and we have had some real doozies! My favorite memory would be hard to choose: the year Mom's dental situation had her doped up on painkillers the whole weekend. . . the time in Missouri that Sarah was trying to run up the big hill to the bath house . . . . the night Julie ran smack into a deer on her way through the dark
campsite . . . so many memories to choose from.
For me the most memorable (not necessarily positive) experience was Labor Day weekend 2001, when we drove to West Viriginia in the middle of the night, once Dad got off work. Our friends had thoughtfully set up our tent for us before our arrival, but we arrived in the pouring rain around 2:00 AM to find that the tent and bedding was completely soaked. In order to get in out of the rain, we hunkered down in the tent, trying not to touch the tent walls or move into range of dripping leaks. Mom mutinied and went to the car to sleep for a few hours, but it would get hot and stuffy, so with periodic window-opening, I think she got bitten up by mosquitoes. It was a pretty miserable night for all of us, but the rest of the weekend was great.
Now for the poll: what is your most memorable camping experience?