Time marches on

I feel like I've been so busy since I got home, and I have a sinking feeling that life is only going to get faster once I start traveling full-time.

Saturday's event was a great chance for me to catch up with the other missionaries from my area, as well as eat some great food! Two other couples had only just arrived in the US, so we were the most recent arrivals. Others there were at the end of their fund-raising cycle, which is always exciting. I really enjoyed spending time with them, and I'm sure I'll see them again at various events over the next year.

This week's main activity was cleaning my grandmother's pool, patio, and garden areas. We always host our extended family on the fourth of July, so we had a lot of work to do to get that ready. After the recent deaths of some of my family members, I think we were all a bit worried about the party yesterday. I know I spent the day trying to make sure I didn't say anything offensive. But we all had a great time, with only one regret: it stormed just before 9:00 pm, which canceled the fireworks plans. Oh well.

Today I've got to pack for my two week trip to Springfield, Missouri, where I will have my "debriefing" and some training sessions. Again, I'm looking forward to seeing old friends and I know that the training sessions will be encouraging! Later this afternoon, I have an appointment to get my picture taken for my new prayer cards (my old ones still say "Senegal" on them), and its kind of fun to think about how much weight I've lost since my last photos! Of course, after yesterday's feast, I've got to cut back if I want to keep the weight off! Can I get an "Amen" from anybody else?
Ariel RaineyComment