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When I was a child, I was fascinated by my pastor's home, because it was filled with decor from all over the world. My pastor had been the missions director for our district, and having a real missions heart, he had received gifts from many missionaries. I used to love looking at the objects in their home, because they represented faraway, exotic lands, which I imagined to be full of romance and mystery. I've since wondered if this wasn't the start of my missions interest.

I've started my own collection of knick-knacks from other countries, and actually, I've spread that habit to the rest of my family as well. I enjoy having unique things that provide both interest artistically and a memory of certain place I've visited.

I don't pretend to be an art snob, but I like what I like. I saw this painting in Barcelona, and what I loved about it was that it reminded me of Jerusalem's Old City. Immediately I fell in love with it. Most of the pictures I have already in my living room reflect a Middle Eastern theme with camels, deserts, etc. I take the whole "I work with Muslims" seriously, so I want them to feel comfortable in my home, if they ever visit.

At any rate, I got this matted and framed, and I thought you might like to see it.

Ariel Rainey1 Comment