It's NOT skin cancer!
After a delightful weekend in Spain, I'm now home attacking the ever-growing "To Do" list.
First up: calling the bank and sorting out all the fraud charges on my credit card that was stolen on Sunday in Barcelona! The thief also stole my driver's license, but I have a second one (long story why . . . ). So that's not as bad as it could have been, praise the Lord.
Second: doctor's appointments. I have to get certain tests run for my health insurance, based on my age, family history, gender, etc. So in the next few weeks, I have several appointments, but the most important one was this morning with the dermatologist. I have a little bump that has been on my leg for about two years now, and I decided I'd better have it checked out, but it's NOT skin cancer. It's just a bump with a French name, ha ha. Seriously, I didn't understand the word "fibrous----whatever" but I clearly understood "It's nothing to worry about." Okay, good to know!
Third: I'm having a party tonight at my apartment for thirty of the young adults from church (the choir and musicians for the musical we're doing). So I've been cooking up a storm in my kitchen. All last night I cut, chopped, and cooked. I'm serving raw veggies, crackers and cheese, chips and dip, salad, beef stroganoff over noodles, fruit salad, and la pièce de résistance : cherry cheesecake bars! I had to buy Philly cream cheese in Spain and bring it back in a cooler to make those. This recipe was a real hit in Israel, so we'll see how they go over tonight!
Right now, I'm taking a few minutes from my last minute-cleaning schedule, while more cheesecake bars are in the oven to update you on my hectic life.