Scrape the floors, Cinderelly!
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. As I have mentioned, we have a new building for our offices. Its still not quite finished, but we are moving in next week. So this week, I drew the short straw and got cleaning duty. We are talking masssssssive cleaning. The building is wall-to-wall tile, and the tile-layers left cement (or whatever they use) everywhere! So a major part of my cleaning duties have been scraping the tile with a chisel to get up excess cement and paint from the equally careless painters. At one point, I even had to scrape the inside of the electric sockets (which are recessed into the walls in Europe) with a wet rag and chisel. Thankfully, we don't have electric in the building yet--I asked about ten times before I stuck my metal object and water soaked rag into the sockets. Don't try this at home! Next up on the schedule is washing all the windows (30 or so). We've already washed them to get off paint, cement, mud, and spider webs, but now we need to clean the glass. I've never been in a building this new; its really exciting to see how God has provided for the CVA/IC France ministry, and we can't even imagine what God has in store for our future!