Movin' On Up

After quite a busy weekend, I am taking the day off to catch my breath a bit. Friday afternoon, my colleague Laurent and I drove down to Marseille to move our offices finally up to Bordeaux. It’s a six hour drive, and without air conditioning in the truck, we drove at night to avoid the heat. We arrived in Marseille at 2:00 AM, where I managed five hours of sleep before we had to start the packing up and moving. A few men from a local church came to help us load up, so we were able to finish in a matter of hours. The majority of the load was our Arabic Bible inventory, so the boxes were quite heavy. I was so worn out by the time we finished, and we still had a six hour drive back to Bordeaux, arriving again at 2:00 AM.

Yesterday at our brand-new building, we unloaded everything, again with the help of a few guys from a church nearby. We just stocked everything in an empty room, since the electricity isn’t on in the building yet. It will probably be another month before we are ready to have a “grand opening.”

Our colleagues from Marseille, Charles and Weléli arrived also over the weekend, with their own moving truck to unload. I was thrilled to see them; they are some of my closest friends in France. I invited them to my apartment last night for dinner—they’d been eating sandwiches for three days. We had such a good time, just sitting on the couch chatting, since we were basically too tired to do much else!
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