No doubt that God answers prayer

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Unfortunately, this week was probably one of the worst weeks I’ve had since I left the States. I felt truly privileged to have your prayers and support to stand on. It really does make a difference!

I received a call on Wednesday from my family, telling me some hard news about a family situation. Not only was the news painful to deal with, I felt so alone. It was a truly a moment to rely solely on the Lord, not only because there wasn’t anyone else to talk to, but because it was so far above my ability to handle. I had to work on Thursday and Friday, with my body at the office, but my head and heart back home in Maryland.

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to talk to anyone about it here in France (after all, who here even knows my family? They barely know me!). However, when I went to my small group Bible study, the leader asked me why I seemed so “blue.” I ended up talking to her about all of it, but it was really the best thing I could have done. It opened the door for her prayers for me and my family. I felt like I saw the verse “Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ (Gal. 6:2)” in action.

Then, when I got home from that, I had an email from one of the girls in the church inviting me to go to the movies with her and some of the other church girls. It was the first social thing I was invited to since I moved to Bordeaux, so I couldn’t help but feel that the Lord was showing me that I am not as alone here as I feel sometimes. He has really upheld me this week, and so have your prayers for me. Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer.
Ariel RaineyComment